About Us

WINE-5 is a workshop that aims to support new collaborations for women in number theory. Prior to the event, the project leaders design projects and provide background reading and references for their groups. Each participant will be assigned to a group according to her research interests. During the workshop there will be some talks and career-development activities, but most of the time will be dedicated to the research projects.

Our workshop is a part of the Women in Numbers network. You can read more about our previous workshops here: WINE, WINE-2, WINE-3, WINE-4.

For 2025, we have 10 projects and we can accommodate 30 additional participants (PhD students and postdocs). You can read more about our projects and the project leaders below. If you wish to participate, please fill in the application form and confirm by following the confirmation link that will be sent to you via email. The application deadline is 1 September 2024.

Organizers: prof. Marcela Hanzer, prof. Borka Jadrijević (local organizer), assist. prof. Pınar Kılıçer, prof. Lejla Smajlović

18–23 AUG




Workshop projects

Project 1

Twisted L-functions of elliptic curves over function fields

Project leaders: Celine Maistret & Hanneke Wiersema

Project 2

Taylor varieties

Project leaders: Paola Supino & Elena Guardo

Project 3

Murmurations of modular forms in the depth aspect

Project leaders: Min Lee & Claire Burrin

Project 4

Arithmetic definability of valuations

Project leaders: Franziska Jahnke & Margarete Ketelsen

Project 5

Arithmetical aspects of non-standard numeration systems

Project leaders: Zuzana Masakova & Milena Svobodová

Project 6

Iterated Monodromy Groups of Quadratic Rational Functions

Project leaders: Özlem Ejder & Yasemin Kara

Project 7

Bent functions

Project leaders: Nurdagül Anbar Meidl & Tekgül Kalaycı

Project 8

Weierstrass semigroups & AG codes from function fields with many rational places

Project leaders: Maria Montanucci & Lara Vicino

Project 9

The rank of Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves

Project leaders: Seoyoung Kim & Stephanie Chan

Project 10

Arithmetic of rational points and 0-cycles on varieties

Project leaders: Francesca Balestrieri & Rachel Newton

Practical Information

Contact organizers

If you have questions, concerns or suggestions, you can contact us at

Workshop schedule

The precise schedule will be announced in due time.

Event location

Faculty of Science
Ruđera Boškovića 33,
Split, Croatia
tel: +385 21 619 222

Dormitory location

Cvite Fiskovića 3,
Split, Croatia

Our Sponsors